YBA Youth Basketball Academy

YBA Youth Basketball Academy
Founded by Director, Ken Gee in 2004
Integrity, Family, Success, Quality, Commitment, Loyalty, Honor, and Leadership

Monday, May 10, 2010

JV Blue Divsion-5/8

Game 1  YBA Blue 53 Team Cal 55

Summary: In our first loss in the last 9 games, we fell to the eventual 2nd place Team Cal on 2 free throws w/ 3.7 seconds left in the game. It was a well played hard fought game that we had the lead and had opportunities to win. Team Cal executed better than us in the end to win. We needed to further capitalize on all the turnovers we forced on Defense (20 steals, 31 Turnovers). We played a great team game as well with 18 assists total as well led by Nolan & Darrell who had 6 & 5 respectively. It was a game that we learned from our loss. James-17, David-13, & Kyle-9 led us in scoring.

Defensive MVP: David S. 7 steals

Mr. All Around: James T.17pts, 2 assts, 3 rebs, 3 stls

Game 2 11 AM
YBA Blue 90 Marin 78

Summary: Playing against a small, fast, feisty uptempo team that made 17 3pt fgs, we beat them up and down the court to win a track meet type game. We rebounded well w/ 42 team rebounds, and in particular on the offensive end (16 offensive rebounds). It was a team game the whole way as every player scored at least 3 points & every player except 1 had at least 4 rebounds & 1 assist. We were led on offense by David-15 pts, Kyle-14pts, Nolan-13pts, & Luis-11 pts. I t was another well played team game as we finished with 20 assists led by Darrell again w/ 6 assists, while Nolan and Luis had 3 each. The Defense was solid those little guards are excellent shooters for Marin. It was an excellent bounce back game after that close loss.

Defensive MVP: Entire blue team
Game MVP: Darrel P. 7 pts, 6 asts/ 1 TO, 4 rebs, 1 stl Led by Example

Game 3 4:30 PM
YBA Blue 90 Tracy 27

Summary: In the Consolation game we came out flat and Tracy was leading after 1 quarter 13-11. We discussed playing to our peak level not the other team and never looked back. it was 48-17 at halftime. We played excellent defense, both in the full court and in the half court. We had a good shooting game as Luis had 4 3pt fgs & Kyle had 2 3pt fgs. We had over 30 steals as a team, led by James who had 9. We had 24 assists and continue to become more unselfish as we grow to trust each other out there. Everyone had a good game led by Luis, Ceron, James, & Nolan.

Defensive MVP: All 7 players present
Game MVPs: Luis P. (excellent all around game) & Ceron C. ( versatile and no fouls)

Coaches Final Thoughts
Another good weekend, I saw great progress towards playing as one team together all the time... Our Defense is rounding out despite the 78 point second game, we are starting to understand the effort it takes to be a "pressing" team... We might just turn some heads this weekend if we continue to believe and develop the faith in one another and learn the loyalty that comes with that act of having belief in each other... We will be ready this weekend so show up at practice ready to run through walls...

We have begun this trip as parts, not the whole and as we continue to form into 1 team through the fires of practice and the tests of competition, the by-products of our efforts to achieve: trust, faith, fortitude, courage, & hard work. Become the foundation for the successes yet come...

"I seek those who seek competitive greatness, a real love for the hard battle, knowing it offers the opportunity to be at your best when the best is required" Whose quote is this?? If you are on my team it would be worth your time to tell me... first 3 correct will be accepted

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