YBA Youth Basketball Academy

YBA Youth Basketball Academy
Founded by Director, Ken Gee in 2004
Integrity, Family, Success, Quality, Commitment, Loyalty, Honor, and Leadership

Monday, May 10, 2010

DAWGS Weekly Trivia Questionnaire #3

Answer the following random questions, then email your answers to ybadawgpound@yahoo.com by Friday at 8pm each week. Please include your first and last name and the team you represent. The contestants who get all the answers correctly will be entered in a drawing to receive a $20 Starbucks giftcard! There will be one winner per week. Winners will be announced the following week. Have fun and good luck!

1)  What was the average points scored in the 3 games that the YBA Blue 5th grade team this past Saturday?
2)  Name the teams who took 1st place this past weekend.
3)  Who did YBA 9th-Red play in their 2nd game and what was the final score?
4)  How many players fouled out in the 7th grade White team's championship game?
5)  Who was the "key scorer" in the 3rd grade YBA division?

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