YBA Youth Basketball Academy

YBA Youth Basketball Academy
Founded by Director, Ken Gee in 2004
Integrity, Family, Success, Quality, Commitment, Loyalty, Honor, and Leadership

Monday, May 17, 2010

9th Grade Garcia

Game #1 Phenoms 33 YBA Garcia 24

Our first game Saturday morning was against the Phenoms. It was a low scoring game. We got off to a slow start and were down 10-3 at the end of the first quarter. The boys played hard, but could not close the gap in the score and we lost 33-24. Taylor Cherry was the scoring leader with 15 points and Jay Bennett and Spencer Gregg each had 5 rebounds.

Game #2 Sutter Dawgs 31 YBA Garcia 41
We played the Sutter Dawgs in our second game Saturday. We had a rough first quarter and were down 13-7. Our defense intensity picked up in the second quarter and our shots started to fall. The Sutter Dawgs scored 0 points in the second quarter. We were ahead 13-21 at the half. Our team had a strong second half and we won 31-41. Taylor Cherry led our scoring attack with 15 and Jeffrey Day (JR) had 8 rebounds.

Game #3 EDH Trojans 27 YBA Garcia 26
Our last game was against the EDH Trojans. This was a defensive battle and a low scoring game. We struggled at the free throw line hitting only 8 of 21. The entire game was back and forth, but we lost by 1 point. Cody Moffitt led us in scoring with 8 points and added 7 rebounds and Jeffrey Day (JR) also had 7 rebounds.

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