YBA Youth Basketball Academy

YBA Youth Basketball Academy
Founded by Director, Ken Gee in 2004
Integrity, Family, Success, Quality, Commitment, Loyalty, Honor, and Leadership

Monday, May 17, 2010

5th White

This weekend the YBA White team went 0-3 but that was not indicative of the effort the boys gave. Being down with injuries we battled most of the games with 5 original players and one new player.

The first game was against Cal Reign and we got off to a very slow start, and never really got going till the last 4 minutes of the game. We lost by a few. The second game the boys played against a very aggressive Spirit Got Game. We led by a few in the first quarter and then lost our steam by the third quarter and lost by a few. All the six players played as hard as I have ever seem them play. I was proud on how the six of them took on a squad of 12.

The last game was the best of the three. We played our home town rivals Rocktown to lose by a few. The stand out player of the game was Blake Stelzer with lots of points and assists. Top rebounder of the first game was our new player Kazik Lewandowski. We were helped by Nick Ohler’s 3’s and Everett Libolt's defense and offense. Jeremy Lillis had his share of low post put ins and many shot blocks. Brendyn Ikeda added 10 points in the second game. Grant Harrison played bravely with two stitches and a splint on his left hand in the first game. Every one of the boys gave effort.

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