YBA Youth Basketball Academy

YBA Youth Basketball Academy
Founded by Director, Ken Gee in 2004
Integrity, Family, Success, Quality, Commitment, Loyalty, Honor, and Leadership

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

JV Blue

We played in the Jam on It Memorial Day Tournament in Reno in the 16U 1st Division. We added a new player for the Tournament, Shawn Smith from Bear River. He is a great late addition and will be a vital contributor if we are able to go to Las Vegas for the Showcase Tournament in July. We had a fun closing weekend to our Spring season and we played hard and overcame some adversity to finish 4th with a 2-2 record. I am not going to summarize each game as I want to focus on the overall experience and the season.

We lost our first game by 10 to the eventual tournament champs Tar heel Nation. They were very good but we had our opportunities including closing to within 6 with 2 minutes left we just couldn't get over the hump. Our next game against Redding United was a blowout that we won by 30, we led by 12 at the half and it was never closer after that. Our 3rd game was against a tough scrappy Olympic Club. Again we led by 12 at the half then we had a dry spell where they came back and took the lead in the 2nd half. Eventually they led by 6 with 4 minutes left. After a timeout we gathered ourselves and delivered an intense defensive effort to break out of our 2nd half malaise to attack and win by 5. Our final game was against a big strong North Bay Elite team that was a great match up for us as they went down low we played our usual aggressive Defensive game to keep it close at the half trailing 24-20. Unfortunately, Nolan Eger and Evan Orrick were both injured and Nolan was unable to play the 2nd half with a minor knee injury, while Evan played well and showed about a ton of heart by doing so. Also playing well was Darrell who gritted out playing 30 out of 32 minutes including the entire 2nd half. He made several athletic drives with great body control left handed finishes at the basket using both his left and right hand to finish. Unfortunately we just couldn't overcome their size and we just didn't get shots that we normally make to go in. We lost by 6.To finish 4th in the 1st division is an excellent achievement and while I know we had higher goals we shouldn't overlook the success we've had, like the fact that our final record was 25-5 with 5 tournament wins.

I am going to give a brief summary of each of my players so they know what I saw this season from them and what I expect from them in their futures.

#1 Shawn (Shaun, Sean) Smith- Incomplete... 1 tournament isn't enough time to observe and report, however I saw a great athlete who plays great Defense and is an excellent teammate and a bright, outgoing, funny young man.

#3 Darrell Polee- A great season, he joined mid season and was my starting point guard by his 3rd week... An amazing athlete and excellent Defender who is capable of playing lock down Defense on the perimeter and also is a strong rebounder and excellent timing shot blocker... He averaged over 6 assists a game to only 1.8 turnovers and has amazing court vision...He is a capable shooter who picks his shots well and still runs the offense and sets up my Defense... He is an outstanding student and young man and an example of what you are capable of you are willing to listen, learn, and work, I only wish I hadn't lost touch with him when I knew him when he was 12.

#18 Nolan Eger- My youngest Dawg, just a freshman and still only 15, you never would have known it watching him drive fearlessly into the crowded lanes over and over again. He plays very strong and physical which is rare for a lead guard, it makes him a (relative) master of the And 1 finish lay ups. He has great court vision as well and is capable of being an even better point guard than he already is... He is an excellent shooter who chose to make the pass to a teammate even though he had an open look... He worked hard to satisfy my Defensive fetishes and didn't have me in his ear about it all the time by the end of the year... A young man that is bright, funny and has the potential to achieve.

#22 Evan Orrick- A glue guy who just happens to be 6'3" and was also a season long starter...He is an excellent shooter who is in the middle of a growth spurt that hindered him at times this year (a problem that, at 5'8", I could only dream about having)... If I could reproduce the heart, effort, and fortitude that Evan has I would be a millionaire because he battled all year as an undersized post Defender for me and never once complained. He led the team in charges taken, he was clutch at both ends & he was a team leader... I can't wait to see him when he is fully grown and adjusted to being a Key Tree instead of a little shooter... Evan is a very cool, mature young man who understands the big picture and also is capable of seeing the importance in the details, I have no doubt that he will be an outstanding citizen and contributor as an adult.

#23 Luis Parache- The mercurial "Weecho", a year long starter who has shown flashes of brilliance on the court... He is an excellent offensive player when his head is on straight, and a surprisingly willing and capable Defender... As a person Luis is a charming, intelligent kid who is in the process of maturing into a fine young man... If he can learn to control his emotions (which I know he will) the sky is the limit for him... A player who gave me headaches at times this season, yet I still smile when I remember him throughout the season...As I told him many times "the only person that can stop Weech, is Weech"

#31 Kyle Duffin- Kyle is one of the best spot shooters I have seen at this level, a force on the perimeter who has to be covered at all times... He is a willing defender that, like Evan, is in the middle of a growth spurt, and, also like Evan, has struggled with that at times this season... Kyle is a kid who always wanted to help the team, & me as well. I saw much improvement from Kyle throughout the season & while I know he wasn't satisfied with his season, I hope he remembers that sometimes the path forward is slow, and other times its a sprint... He will be a great basketball player as he continues his improvement and rounds out his game (and gets not skinny)... He is a great kid who is mature and intelligent & who will be an amazing adult.

#41 Davit Saghatelyan- Another in season add in player, Davit's great personality, his understanding, and maturity level helped to balance a team that was struggling to mesh with each other when he joined... His effort and ability on both ends of the floor are nearly unmatched, Davit is a player who wants to lock his man down all game and help however he needs to help his team win... although he has had struggles with certain aspects of his game recently, those struggles pale in comparison with the all the other things he does great to help his team...I think the world of Davit and have rarely seen a kid as talented as he is who is so down to earth, humble and team focused... I am confident Davit will achieve all the goals that he has set for himself...

#45 Andre Ware- A grown man of a teenager at 6'4" 240 lbs, yet it's his kind heart and personality that I noticed most...On the court he is the fiercest rebounder I saw all year long, if I said "Dre get that board" you better believe he would go over or through whomever dared to try to get his ball...On offense I will admit that he was probably underused, yet he never complained he just took advantage of the opportunities that he did have and attacked the offensive glass with a passion...He is a capable, willing defender that will guard his man all the way up court or bang down in the post with equal desire and ability.. Andre is a great teammate and young man and will get a scholarship in either football or basketball as long as he stays focused & is constantly aware of how easy his surroundings make it to slip up or worse...

Coach Nate- Another mid season acquisition, Nate brought Darrell and Andre with him and the 3 of them helped to stabilize the team both on and off the court, his encouragement, knowledge and character were of great help to me throughout the season. I finally had someone to help in the game and was willing to commit the time, support, and effort that I needed, and he showed up right when I needed it most... Nate is a great coach who knows and played the game, but it's his honest love of the kids and his desire to help develop young men, not just basketball players that has struck me throughout my time with him. As a coach, parent, and man it was this that struck home with me as his values are my values and he is a true man of morals and character.

Coach's Final Thoughts

Well Dawgs it's been an amazing spring season that taught me more as a coach, teacher, & leader of young men than any of my 11 other seasons as a coach. I have already promised my Dawgs that I will do everything in my power to get us to the Las Vegas tournament and I plan on making it happen...I have a deep bond with my team as I felt that they were honest with me and, although it wasn't always done the right way, I still value honesty. I was always honest with my team (sometimes brutally honest, they might say) however I will never lie to a player and will always communicate... I want to coach my team more and hope they want to play for me again, I will be keeping a close eye on them throughout the rest of their high school careers and beyond as well... I hope that in 20 years, I will be able to look them up and see all the success they have had. Well, truthfully I hope I have left the type of impact they have left on me and they look for me, or are on the sidelines with me or somewhere in the YBA program... On a personal note this closes out my first season (of many I hope) with Ken Gee's Youth Basketball Academy and every single good thing that I'd heard about the program are true. From the coaches skill and character, to the quality of the kids and parents, it was all true. YBA is great, in my humble opinion and everyone involved should be thinking the same thing. I have never worked with people that care like YBA does and it stems, I think, from Ken's honest desire to have everyone in YBA be pleased and feel good about themselves and their experience w/ YBA. His goal of creating great young men is honest and he actually wants to help everyone he can... I am so glad that I have had this opportunity and look forward to coaching with YBA for as long as Ken will have me...

Coach Adam Al-Mujadidi

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