YBA Youth Basketball Academy

YBA Youth Basketball Academy
Founded by Director, Ken Gee in 2004
Integrity, Family, Success, Quality, Commitment, Loyalty, Honor, and Leadership

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

5th Grade White

This weekend the 5th grade White team had a blast in Reno. Although we only won one game, the rest of the games were all with in a few baskets if not just one. We all stayed at the Grand Sierra Resort and enjoyed the fun, frolic and food. The boys bonded as did the parents and we finished the year wanting more.

1st game we lost by 8, but it was a back in forth for most of the game and we faded in the last 3 min. With only 3 returning veterans, the team of 8 was under the awe and shock of the whole experience. All of the boys played a bit tentatively but at the end realized that it was like any other tournament but with a bit more enthusiasm. Highlights Jeremy Lillis high scorer with 12 points and 8 rebounds, followed by Everett Libolt with 11 points and 4 rebounds, and Brendyn Ikeda with 8 points.

2nd game the team came out stronger. Point leaders were Jeremy with 11, Nick with 10, and Everett with 8 the rest of the boys adding a few buckets each. Blake and Brendyn adding with 4 steals each. We lost by 2 points

3rd game point leaders were Everett Libolt with 8 points and 7 rebounds, Brendyn Ikeda with 7 points and 3 steals, Blake Stelzer with 7 points and Grant Harrison with 6 points. We lost by 5 points.

4th and final game point leaders were Brendyn Ikeda with 14 points, Blake Stelzer had 10 points, 6 rebounds, and 5 steals, Nick Ohler had 7 points, Jeremy Lillis had 6 points, 9 rebounds, and 3 steals, Lance Huber had 6 points and 10 rebounds. We won by 18.

All in all we left wanting more. Brendyn said he is ready to start practicing for Reno 2011.

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