YBA Youth Basketball Academy

YBA Youth Basketball Academy
Founded by Director, Ken Gee in 2004
Integrity, Family, Success, Quality, Commitment, Loyalty, Honor, and Leadership

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 21, 2010 "YBA is Dawg-Gone Proud" by Kevin McCarthy

(This article is also accessible to NorCalPreps subscribers at NorCalPreps.com.)

Program Director Ken Gee’s Youth Basketball Academy (YBA) Dawgs began in 2004 when players in the Rocklin area and the surrounding territory needed a club team situation to further their basketball dreams. Has it been successful? Try 17 teams of various ages and around 160 youngsters ‘Dawg-in’ it today. For some easily-recognizable YBA-ers, try James Moore, Josh Ritchart, Brad Waldow, Derek Knutty, Jackson Cummings, Zach Nelson and others.

Jamal Ford, Sacred Heart Cathedral

How did Gee get into the field? "I started coaching basketball out of high school," Gee explained. "But then I had to get a job and went to work for UPS. Once my son got old enough, I returned with YBA."

But Gee gladly shares his success. Among those he credits is the coach of his YBA Black team, Millard "Doc" Haynes, a longtime coach and trainer in the Sacramento area. A much-lauded four-year starter at Dunbar High (Fort Worth, TX) and a five-time most valuable player with the NAC Hellcats in the U.S. Navy, Haynes brings personal experience to the table. "Doc is very motivational and inspirational and I wanted him working with our kids," Gee explained’

Here’s the top YBA squad for this spring and summer, with descriptions supplied by Gee:
■Remi Barry, 6-foot-7, Del Oro High, 2010 -- He is being recruited by DI schools, is exceptionally athletic and very good at attacking the basket plus has a great outside shot.

■Aaron Hendricks, 6-foot-1, Del Oro High, 2011 -- Aaron is athletically gifted and an excellent shooter.

■Spencer Butterfield, 6-foot-3, Del Oro High, 2010 -- he is currently sidelined with a concussion but he provides great leadership and attacks the basket well.

■Colin Lee, 6-foot-4, Nevada Union High, 2011 -- Colin is a good up-and-comer with a solid all around game.

■Jamal Ford, 6-foot-3, Sacred Heart, 2010 -- Jamal is a versatile and athletic player.

■Jose Rodriguez, 6-foot-2, Pleasant Grove High, 2011 -- He is a hard-nosed athletic player.

■Eric Gee, 6-foot-1, Whitney High 2010 -- Is smart and possesses a great feel for the game.

■Cody Borst, 6-foot-2, Whitney High, 2010 -- Cody is a good finisher around the basket.

■Jonathan Davis, 6-foot-4, Granite Bay, 2011-- Jonathan displays outstanding fundamentals and plays bigger than he is.

■Marc Burns, 6-foot, Cordova High, 2011-- Marc is a solid point guard.

■Marcus Hendricks, 6-foot-4, Folsom High, 2011-- An aggressive banger who is very coachable
Go to http://www.ybadawgs.com/  for more information on the YBA Dawgs.

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