YBA Youth Basketball Academy

YBA Youth Basketball Academy
Founded by Director, Ken Gee in 2004
Integrity, Family, Success, Quality, Commitment, Loyalty, Honor, and Leadership

Monday, May 24, 2010

1st Annual YBA Coaches Game Blue Team May 23, 2010

A sold out crowd assembled Sunday night at Hardwood Palace for the 1st annual YBA Coach's Game. As the fans found their seats the coach's prepared to turn back the clock(some had to turn it back a lot farther then others) to years past. You could cut the intensity with a knife as the blue team lead by coach Doc squared off against the white team lead by coach Parker.

The first quarter saw the blue team take a 13 point lead. Nate Stevens was raining three's like Nate Archibald and John Ward was doing his best John Stockton impression with his mid range jumper The blue team's legs were feeling good and their lungs were still at full capacity.

In the second quarter someone from the white team bench yelled "Encina" and woke up the sleeping giant. When coach Doc heard that he ducked his head and yelled "Oh no here it comes!" Coach Shaw was bumping the cutter and Coach Lance was all over the court playing intense defense, but the blue team saw their lead evaporate to a tie at half time.

During halftime Coach Doc called to see why Coach Remi was not at the game yet.

The third quarter brought on some very tight hamstrings which slowed down the blue teams offensive push. The blue team went into the 2/3 zone defense lead by coach Driggs, Dubose, Shively, and Williams which stifled the white teams offense. Either that or their legs were as tired as ours. The 3rd quarter ended in a tie.

The fourth quarter was a battle of wills as the coach's went "old school" and turned up the intensity to go for the win. The game went back and forth during the 4th quarter but the blue team did not have enough gas left in the tank to finish the game. The white team walked away with the much coveted YBA Coach's Trophy.

Blue Team Roster:
Coach Doc

Randy Gregg
Nate Stevens
John Ward
Lance Ohara
Mike Shaw
Dustin Driggs
Anthony Dubose
Deloe Shively
Geoff Williams

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